Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Timeline of My Life: Twenties to Forties


20s to 30s...
     - Intimacy vs. Isolation
     - Generativity vs. Self-Absorption

Protest: I will protest for cheaper education. I believe that the opportunity for education is a right that everyone should have, whether they are rich or poor. This signals the development of post-conventional morality, because my actions are fueled from the obstruction of peoples' rights to education.

Graduate College: I will either attend college at UC Berkeley or UC Santa Cruz. This is a huge step in who I become, because I will be exposed to environments  that are extremely different than the sheltered life that I have lived for my whole life. It is a time when I become a "big girl" who is responsible and independent.

First Serious Relationship?: During my twenties, I might form a serious relationship with someone, who might even turn out to be "the one." Or, I will develop strong, lasting friendships. These relationships will hopefully help me find a sense-of-self. (Intimacy vs. Isolation)

30s to 40s...
     - Generativity vs. Self-Absorption

Marriage: Around my early thirties, I will, hopefully, be married. Despite Intimacy versus Isolation being a developmental stage from my twenties, there might be some aspects of it remaining if I didn't completely fulfill development during my twenties. So, a happy marriage would be the ending of this stage of Erickson's Developmental Theory. (Intimacy vs. Isolation)

Children:  By my mid- to late thirties, I will hopefully have had a healthy little baby. This creation of new life fulfills my human desire to "make my mark" through creating and nurturing something that will outlast me. (Generativity vs. Self-Absorption) 


Timeline of My Life: Forties to Sixties

40s to 50s...
     - Generativity vs. Self-Absorption

Get Master's Degree: As life is slowing down a little bit, I decide to get my Master's Degree in Mathematics. Subconsciously, I am doing this because I want a sense of usefulness and accomplishment, which coincides with Erickson's 8 Stages of Life. (Generativity vs. Self-Absorption) It also signals the fourth stage of my cognitive development, formal operation, because I have the ability to reason abstractly and consider many different possibilities. (Formal Operational Stage)

Take Leadership Position at Work: Taking a leadership position at my job serves two purposes; the first purpose is, like described above, to develop a sense of productiveness and power. (Generativity vs. Self-Absorption) The second purpose is to make more money in order to support my family.

One (or both) of My Parents Pass Away: In my late forties, it will unfortunately be time for my parents to pass away. As sad as it is, this event is a big part of my own development. After seeing how quickly life can be taken away and the regrets/happy moments that my parents had, I might completely change how I live the rest of my life. My priorities are likely to change, and I will begin to reflect on my life in order to find ways that I can reduce regrets when it is my time to go. (integrity vs. Despair)

50s to 60s...
     - Integrity vs. Despair

Children Go to College: My children will be out of the house by now, most likely in college or pursuing a career. My husband and I will probably be suffering "empty-nest syndrome" which we may remedy by adopting a dog. (Generativity vs. Self-Absorption)

Qualify for Senior Discount at Ross: While this may not seem like a massive event, qualifying for this discount is a sign to all of society that I am getting older.

"I'm a Good Person!": While at the mall, a woman dropped $100 dollars, and despite having to find ways to pay for my children's education, I grab the money and give it back to its owner. This signals my post-conventional morality, which means that my actions were based on ethical principles, not my own self-interest.

Timeline of My Life: Sixties to Death

 60s to 70s...
     - Integrity vs. Despair

Retirement: While having a purpose had once been the motor that drove many of my actions, I am now making the transition into Erickson's "Integrity vs. Despair" stage. It is time that I focus on myself, my family, and my happiness instead of my job. (Integrity vs. Despair)

Travel: I plan on traveling around America, Europe, and South America after my retirement. This will contribute to a more positive reflection on my life, according to Erickson. (Integrity vs. Despair)

Volunteer: All of the rest and travel has been great, but I still feel the need to contribute to society somehow, since my children are out of the house. So to pass the time, I will volunteer at the American Cancer Society like I had done while I was in high school. In one aspect, I am returning to the "Generativity vs. Self-Absorption" stage because I want a sense of purpose; in another aspect, I am contributing to the "Integrity vs. Despair" stage because I am making my life more fulfilling in order to reduce my regrets.

70s to 80s...
     - Integrity vs. Despair

Reunion With a Childhood Friend: This is a time when I can reflect on my life, but with someone else's perspective, which can bring new life to my own reflection.

Grandchildren: By my seventies, I will hopefully have at least one grandchild. I plan on visiting and becoming connected with my grandchildren. In some way, I may be reliving certain experiences vicariously through my children and grandchildren, which is also a method of life reflection.

50th Wedding Anniversary: This is a huge milestone for me and my husband. It marks fifty years of love, happiness, and unity. This is somewhat of a pinnacle of the "Intimacy vs. Isolation" stage that I experienced in my twenties.

80s to 90s...
     - Integrity vs. Despair

Death of My Husband: While this will be a tragic event, it is also a time for me to reflect on the beautiful and satisfying life that my husband and I have lived together.

Living in an "Old Folks Home": With the loss of my husband, I am going to be lonely. By moving to a home filled with individuals who are in the same condition as me, I develop a sense of companionship once again.

The End: The remainder of my long life will be spend surrounded by friends and family. Hopefully, I will have no regrets about the life I have lived.

Timeline of My Life: Birth to Twenties

My Background...
I was born on July 26th, 1997 in Napa, California. My family, which has Mexican, Irish, and American heritage, consists of my mom, dad, and two older sisters. Since I was young, I have always have seen my family's financial and health issues; these experiences have instilled in me the power of hard work and health.
Birth to 10...
     - Trust vs. Mistrust
     - Autonomy vs. Doubt
     - Initiative vs. Guilt
     - Industry vs. Inferiority
First Steps: I first walked without support or help when I was about one-year-old. This was my first "big step" towards autonomy and independence. (autonomy vs. doubt)
"Toy Stealer!": When I was three-years-old, I went to pre-school and I stole toys from other kids. This showed my egocentrism, because I didn't understand how they would feel if I stole their toys, I only understood that I would be happy with their toys. (preoperational stage)
Kindergarten: I began kindergarten when I was five-years-old. Kindergarten was the beginning of my social development. (initiative vs. guilt)
10 to 20s...
     - Industry vs. Inferiority
     - Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion
Spelling Bee: When I was ten-years-old, I won the fifth-grade spelling bee. This is the first event that I can remember when I began to take pride in academics and other accomplishments.
"Soccer Girl": During my sophomore year of high school, when I was fifteen, I played JV Soccer. As I reflect on my experience, I realize I was experimenting with different roles, activities, and behaviors in a quest to find my own identity.
(Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion)
Driver's License: When I was 16, I got my Driver's license. This signaled the development of conventional morality because I was obeying the rules of the road because they are laws and rules. (conventional morality)