Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Timeline of My Life: Twenties to Forties


20s to 30s...
     - Intimacy vs. Isolation
     - Generativity vs. Self-Absorption

Protest: I will protest for cheaper education. I believe that the opportunity for education is a right that everyone should have, whether they are rich or poor. This signals the development of post-conventional morality, because my actions are fueled from the obstruction of peoples' rights to education.

Graduate College: I will either attend college at UC Berkeley or UC Santa Cruz. This is a huge step in who I become, because I will be exposed to environments  that are extremely different than the sheltered life that I have lived for my whole life. It is a time when I become a "big girl" who is responsible and independent.

First Serious Relationship?: During my twenties, I might form a serious relationship with someone, who might even turn out to be "the one." Or, I will develop strong, lasting friendships. These relationships will hopefully help me find a sense-of-self. (Intimacy vs. Isolation)

30s to 40s...
     - Generativity vs. Self-Absorption

Marriage: Around my early thirties, I will, hopefully, be married. Despite Intimacy versus Isolation being a developmental stage from my twenties, there might be some aspects of it remaining if I didn't completely fulfill development during my twenties. So, a happy marriage would be the ending of this stage of Erickson's Developmental Theory. (Intimacy vs. Isolation)

Children:  By my mid- to late thirties, I will hopefully have had a healthy little baby. This creation of new life fulfills my human desire to "make my mark" through creating and nurturing something that will outlast me. (Generativity vs. Self-Absorption) 


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